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Bringing your Stories to Life

Story-gathering, multi-media, print, PR and marketing for charities, foundations and small businesses. Scroll through for examples of our work.



We worked with the charity Lepra in India to gather case studies and photography and make a number of short films about their work to beat leprosy, which they used in their fundraising appeals. Angela also made a programme for BBC Health Check about Lepra's work to tackle lymphatic filariasis.

©Idris Ahmed


Argidius Foundation Annual Review

We produce the Annual Review for the Argidius Foundation and have made  films about its work in Guatemala, Uganda and Kenya.

©Stuart Freedman/Argidius Foundation.

Media Consultancy: Work

The Yorkshire Rainforest

Film and case study assignment for Rainforest UK & Bettys and Taylors of Harrogate in the Selva Central region of the Peruvian Amazon, to tell the story of its work with the Ashaninka Indians.

©Mike Goldwater

Media Consultancy: Work

Betty's Story

Betty Metcalfe's journey with short term memory and vision loss. A film commissioned for the charity Blind Veterans UK.

Coffee with Character

Channel 4 advert made with Taylors of Harrogate about its first coffee from Rwanda

Partnership Projects

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Joint assignment with Oxfam/WWF in Tuva, Siberia published in Le Monde diplomatique and broadcast on From Our Own Correspondent, BBC Radio 4.


Plan International / Le Monde diplomatique

Joint asssignment for NGO Plan International and Le Monde diplomatique about the Ivorian refugee crisis in eastern Liberia. 

Media Consultancy: Work


Assignment in Mongolia and Camboda

A commission by Oxfam to create two short films and produce the photography and client stories for its impact performance review with Symbiotics.

©Frederic Courbet 

Media Consultancy: Work

The Burngreave Messenger

Mobile movie-making and podcasting training for Sheffield community newspaper, The Burngreave Messenger.

The Everlasting Flame

Assignment for the Brunei Gallery, London to film its exhibition about the history of one of the world’s oldest religions, Zoroastrianism. Angela made a feature about the exhibition for BBC Radio 4's Sunday programme.


Pikin to Pikin Tok

Child to Child

Award-winning radio series for children affected by Ebola in Sierra Leone. 

Media Consultancy: Work
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European Commission

Film exploring the European Commission's work to reduce water vulnerability in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. The film has been shown at numerous climate change conventions in the Middle East and North Africa.


The Nescafe Plan


Gold Blend First Harvest is the film we created for Nescafe to highlight their work with Colombian coffee farmers and the Federation of Colombian Coffee Growers.  ©Mike Goldwater


Wildlife Protection in the Congo Basin

Three films, case studies and photography exploring WWF's work to protect endangered animals and habitats in Central Africa. Featured in The Guardian. 

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Just one inch of water

Each year, over 15,000 children in Bangladesh lose their lives to the water. Angela worked with Bangladesh's Centre for Injury Prevention and Research on a new initiative in Barisal, the southernmost tip of the country, which has the highest drowning rates in the country, and where rescuers and educators are now leading the fight to make water safety a priority. Angela  gathered audio, case studies and photos of families who have lost loved ones to the water. These were used by the RNLI in a awareness-raising campaign about water safety. ©Angela Robson

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Media Consultancy: Welcome

John Eastwood Hospice

PR, marketing and communications support to raise awareness of the vital role the hospice plays in the community of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.

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Media Consultancy: Welcome

Journalism training for the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) in Delhi. Angela trained seven journalists from two different regions of India.

Media Consultancy: Quote
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