This week sees the publication of the Argidius Foundation's Annual Review. We are delighted to have played a role in the story-telling and project management.

The report tells the stories of some of Argidius's extraordinary entrepreneurs and partners, from an agri-entrepreneur in a semi-arid region of Kenya using new methods to grow, irrigate and export tropical fruit, to a family of cheesemakers in Guatemala, and a three-generation honey and tourism farm flouting tradition by promoting gender-equity in El Salvador.
"Each are in their own ways innovating their sectors, making a meaningful contribution to longer term development in their communities and countries; and, making significant contributions to food security and nutrition," says Nicholas Colloff, the Director of Argidius.
"Food is a critical sector not least for its impact on poverty – its ability to create employment directly and a multiplier effect through their value chains."
Particular highlights for me were meeting environmental entrepreneur, Mercy Munene, the founder of
, which builds kitchen gardens for urban slum dwellers.

Mercy Munene (left), the founder of Shamba Connect, which works in urban slum areas of Nairobi.
I also loved meeting farmers in the Mount Elgon region of eastern Uganda, growing coffee for small coffee firm, Ubora, which struck me as one of the most ethical and environmentally responsible companies I have ever come across.

Coffee farmers in the Mount Elgon region of eastern Uganda.
Innovation and collaboration across the food system can have a powerful impact in the creation of more equitable livelihoods, mitigate extreme poverty and boost prosperity. Covid-19 has exposed many vulnerabilities in food systems. Entrepreneurs have been working hard to adapt to this new reality. Argidius's latest report shows just how important it is to support them to work through the current crises, grasp new opportunities and continue strengthening food system resilience.