Angela Robson

Angela Robson is an award-winning writer and film-maker. She has reported from many of the world's hotspots starting with Sierra Leone at the onset of the country's brutal civil war. Her travels have since taken her among the Ashaninka Indians in the Peruvian Amazon, to isolated refugee camps on the Syrian border, and into UXO scrap metal yards in northern Laos, reporting from over fifty countries.
Her main interest has always been in the untold stories, the people and places others don’t visit. Poachers have taken her into biodiversity hotspots in the Congo Basin, 'trokosi' priests have unleashed a voodoo attack on her in eastern Ghana, Tutsi women have shared their stories of rape, genocide and fragile recovery in Rwanda. Her awards include the European Commission’s Natali Lorenzo Prize for Journalism, the Guardian International Development Journalism Prize and an AIB award for best human interest story.
She reports and produces for the BBC World Service, BBC World and for BBC Radio 4. She makes and presents radio and film documentaries for the BBC. She is a contributor to Le Monde diplomatique and The Guardian.
Angela also works for charities and funding agencies including Blind Veterans, Comic Relief, Sport Relief, Action Aid, the Argidius Foundation, Plan UK, Plan International, Oxfam, Care International, RNLI International, Lepra, Tree Aid, Rainforest UK, Child to Child, Partners for Change Ethiopia, Christian Aid, Sightsavers, WWF, Concern and the International Commissions against the Death Penalty.
​Angela is a regular judge for the Sandford and St Martin Media Awards. She teaches on the MA in documentary journalism at Nottingham Trent University.